Spielplatz Bad-Pirawarth

Children’s playground


The centerpiece of the new playground is the large and very varied rope jungle with tree house and platform - this can also be used from one side by people with physical disabilities.
Furthermore, the barrier-free play offer was extended by a tactile path and a barrier-free water/sand play area.
A long ropeway, a mast cross pendulum, two comfortable hammocks, seating and reclining platforms, seating recesses, a large hexagonal swing, a balancing course, a hedge maze, a high hill with a curved slide and a table tennis table round off the existing play facilities (climbing cube, board swing, baby swing, seesaw animal and climbing combination with slide).
In addition to the generous redesign of the playground in the park, a fitness course for adults was built adjacent to the spa center.

Location and how to get there

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    Spielplatz Bad-Pirawarth

    2222 Bad Pirawarth

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