The Balber Stones

Mountain summit


The Balbersteine are located in the municipal area of Miesenbach. The partly vertical rock formation reaches a height of almost 700 meters.

Location: Vienna Alps in Lower Austria, Miesenbach municipality.

Dive into an unknown magic world

The Balbersteine in the Miesenbach valley, better known as Gauermann-Heimat, offer fantastic viewpoints. They are not overcrowded and hikers enjoy a quiet ascent. The hike begins after a large riding stable, there is the sign "Balbersteine" and leads along a stream that does not always carry water. Steeply, to the left upwards, the path branches off and soon the first rocks are reached. The hikers can enjoy the beautiful viewpoints. The rocks are overgrown with pines. A bench, where there is also a summit book to sign, offers to take a break here. Then begins the most difficult part of the tour through a steep gully filled with gravel and earth up to a very special place, the "Fensterl" or also called "Luckerte Wand". The Fensterl is a homely place near the Balbersteinen and is very suitable as a photo motif. Here is also the crest height reached and numerous viewpoints can be climbed.

ATTENTION at the Balbersteinen. Of course, it is great to climb and play here, but you should be careful because the steep slopes are very dangerous.

Tips for excursions in and around Miesenbach

  • Miesenbach is the home of the Biedermeier painter Friedrich Gauermann (1807 - 1862) and is therefore also called Gauermannheimat. In the Gauermann Museum you can admire various works of the artist, as well as furniture from the Biedermeier period and special exhibitions on photography and contemporary art.
  • The Gauermannhütte is located on the Dürren Wand. From here, the view opens up over the vast mountain landscape.

Location and how to get there

  • Contact

    Die Balbersteine

    Balbersdorf 184
    2761 Miesenbach

  • Public transport
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